Tuesday, March 28, 2006

When Cloning Is the Goal


Tater, Paige and Mac: setting the table for dinner

Dillon: sleeping through dinner (because that's what teenagers do)

Mac goes to put on some music. She chooses the soundtrack to Rent and the song, "Seasons of Love" comes on.

Tater: "This song is dorky."

Mac: "You wouldn't think so if you'd seen the movie."

Tater drops his towel and turns slowly around to face the two of us, "You know, that's just creepy."

Mac, offended, "Hey! It was a really good movie!"

Tater, defeated.

"No... That's exactly what your mom said when I told her last week that this song was dorky."

Paige, grinning to herself: "My work here is done."


Irish Eyes said...

You're going to tell us that story and not tell us what was for dinner??

: )

Sounds like Mac is one hip chick.

Paige said...

Sorry Honey.

For Bridget, who misses her mom:

Steak (Porterhouse), mashed potatoes & corn.

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Your very own mini-me. I'm so proud. Now, if you could just get her to nag him for you when you're not around...

Candi said...

See, and they said human cloning was all bad.

Paige said...

Dillon actually calls her "Mini".

I cracked up the first tme I heard him say that a year or so ago.