Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I Get the Blank Stare A Lot

(I have a lot of new readers, so I'll pre-empt this post with a Public Service Announcement: I work part-time in the office of our Home Owner's Association. I'm the only one in the office. This is one of the reasons I took this job.)

So. There are two openings on the Architectural Committee. The President of the Association was in my office today for a meeting with the property manager, Beth, when he turned to me (because I live in the neighborhood) and asked, "Paige, do you know any women who might be interested in serving on the committee?"

"I don't know any women."

Blank stare.

"Seriously. I don't have friends. Besides Beth."

Blank stare.

So, Beth, sensing his confusion, goes, "Really. It's the weirdest thing. She really doesn't have any friends here."

Duane can't fathom this. He says, "Paul thinks you were a cheerleader in college."

"I get accused of that a lot... and of being in a sorority."

Blank stare.

Beth, moving the communications along, "She was a gymnast and diver in high school."

Duane, "Huh. Ok."

After he left, and I replayed that conversation in my head, I felt pretty pathetic. Not enough to start being sociable, but enough to call him and tell him that I DO have girlfriends, they are just scattered around the world.

And probably not interested in being on the Architectural Committee.


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

I guest your unwelcome stalker doesn't technically live in your neighborhood? Cause she'd LOVE to be on the committee.

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

That should be "guess". I never took typing in school. :(

el-e-e said...

You weren't a cheerleader OR in a sorority? Hunh.

(KIDDING -- I did both, I can say that.)

But being a diver is COOL! I'm impressed. Hey, go submit something to this contest. Something you've already written, it doesn't have to be new. You'll win, I bet. :)

Brenda said...

Sounds like "Duane/Paul" has some sterotypes going on. Should we all send you pictures of us... and you could put them on your desk, in cute frames... and say.. 'See Duane... I do have friends.' ..'and she wasn't a cheerleader or in a sorority either!'

OR... we could all send 'Duane/Paul' our resumes.... from all over the world, and he could pick one. Of course we would have to telecommute.

We could form our own Committee!!

I'm PMSing... can you tell.

Candi said...

Do they have a Margarita Committee? Cause if they have that, I'm in.