Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Post-Op Stanley

And Dillon's happy:

I had to leave work early today (though "Lizard Emergency" was nowhere to be found in the company policy). The vet saw him at 1:15 and he was anesthetized and in surgery by 2:00 (while I ran Dillon to the dentist). Stanley's insides are back inside where they belong, held in place with 2 sutures. We have a follow-up appointment in 2 weeks and are crossing our fingers that the surgery worked and it won't happen again.


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

So glad to hear Stanley is back on the road to recovery. There should be a special "lizard clause" in your contract.

Anonymous said...

I'm really relieved to hear Stanley is OK. I was very concerned yesterday - so worried I couldn't post a comment in fact! :-( 'Cos I knew this is was not a DIY job. The sutures should hold his insides inside though, and it seems you did everything else right for the health of his guts! Whew!

I wonder why I got in such a tizzy over somebody else's lizard, on the other side of the world? That's what reading blogs does for ya! ;-D

John said...

I love your posts.

Period. End of story.

KP said...

like the Rush sticker behind Dillon

Paige said...

Annie - Contract? I should have a contract?

MIL - Thanks for the concern. I'm half-a-wreck myself.

John - Kiss-Kiss.

KP - That's not a sticker. He painted it.