Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Attention! Candi, Mandi, Muffinbottom (Muff for short) & Bubbles!!

The Unparalleled Annie* needs a Cherry Girl Name. And seeing as how she, Carolyn and I were the only 3 wives hanging out showing our dedication at the Warlord sign planting at Matt's room, I think she deserves one. Put your thinking caps on!

*Yes, she IS the Evil Queen, but what kind of a nickname is that? I mean, do we really want to walk around saying, "Hey, Evil Queen, want another Lava Flow?...Hey, Evil Queen, what do you think of that new vibrator that's out?"

xoxoxoxo Brandi


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Evil Queen not musical enough for you? Too many syllables when drinking? Why wasn't I informed about the new vibrator? Pass the Lava Flows.

Candi said...

Hm... Who were same Evil Queens? There are Disney Evil Queens - Step mothers mostly, though. There was the Queen of Hearts.

Historically, what evil Queens were there?

Or perhaps a different reference to a Queen??

Do you realize I am the ONLY spouse still here from the Cherry Girl night at Bronwyn's??

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

The only one who is actually named The Evil Queen is the one in Snow White. The others are all wicked stepmothers or the Queen of Hearts or whatever. The Evil Queen has that bitchin outfit.

Anonymous said...

Now I'll have to give it some good thought- Annie, the Evil Queen, the girl who can remember EVERYTHING, let me ponder the names......

Gosh, Jes, its amazing you're the last of the bunch- I got an email from Eileen Garcia (she and her family were in 51 when Annie, Paige and I were there) asking about what Cherry Girl is...:)