Thursday, March 23, 2006

Playing Catch-Up

Tagged by John:

Black and White or Color; how do you prefer your movies?

Wizard of Oz.... Both, I guess.

What is the one single subject that bores you to near-death?

Politics. I know. "Civic Responsibility"* and all, but if you knew me then you’d know that I’m not the most responsible cow in the pasture and you wouldn't be surprised at that answer.

MP3s, CDs, Tapes or Records: what is your favorite medium for prerecorded music?

Duh. MP3’s. Tapes? Is that really an option anymore?

You are handed one first class trip plane ticket to anywhere in the world and ten million dollars cash. All of this is yours provided that you leave and not tell anyone where you are going. Ever. This includes family, friends, everyone. Would you take the money and ticket and run?

Never. Everyone knows that my friends and family are more important to me than any amount of money. My apathy towards earning and the energy I put into fun illustrate this point perfectly.

Seriously, what do you consider the world's most pressing issue now?

Parent’s inability to control and reluctance to discipline their children.

How would you rectify the world's most pressing issue?

Parenting licenses. Prove you’re capable. And smacking the idiots. Upside the head. Without repurcussion.

You are given the chance to go back and change one thing in your life; what would that be?

Really, you should just look here: Regrets

You are given the chance to go back and change one event in world history, what would that be?

Slave ownership in the US.

A night at the opera or a night at the Grand Ole' Opry? Which do you choose?

“Scalp the tickets. Head to the bar with a few friends. Ta da.” – John

Go to the bar with John. His plan is WAY more fun. Unless I need a nap.

What is the one great unsolved crime of all time you'd like to solve?

Seriously? I’ve had a long day. Ok. That Jon-Benet thing is still bothering me.

One famous author can come to dinner with you. Who would that be, and what would you serve for the meal?

Anne Frank. Lasagne. She needs the carbs.

You discover that John Lennon was right, that there is no hell below us, and above us there is only sky. What's the first immoral thing you might do to celebrate this fact?

It’s entirely too late for this question. At this point I can only hope that JL was right.



I'd really like to hear your answers on a few of these.

(*Annie doesn't dust.) :)


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

It's actually "civic responsibility" love. "Civil responsibility" is what you want those wayward parents to take and teach them young 'uns some manners.

This sort of thing isn't going to get me invited to the bar with you and John, is it?

Brooke said...

Ha! We both said Jon-Benet!

Great minds!

(Oh and I went back and read your regrets post...very touching and lovely and honest. Wonderful!)

Paige said...

Damn, Girl!

You, know, this is EXACTLY why I keep you around. You're like a walking thesaurus.

Yes, you can come. Who else would break up the barfights?


Candi said...

Wow. I don't think I'd get the license! Damn... :)

OK, and Anne Frank and Lasagna - Hehehe.

Paige said...

Are you KIDDING ME?!?! You are one of the VERY FEW people I'd go out to dinner with if their kids were invited.

You have awesome kids.

Candi said...

It's funny, I was just having a "I don't care for other people's children" conversation the other day. All because I didn't bring my 3 to a brithday party last weekend, and there were, no joke, 60 some other people there.

Sidenote: The spouse was Japanese, the husband is in 51, and he accused us of being racist for not going. I shit you not.