Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Yay! Blogger is Loading Fast Again! Alternate title: Boring As Hell

Apparently, my patience is next to nil these days. Blogger was loading so slow that I would start loading a page and then head off to the kitchen for a drink or click to comment and then go throw some whites in the washing machine, only to come back and have it half-loaded or time-out completely.

And it was pissing me off.

So I didn't even try to post. I figured that I'd type out an incredibly insightful and witty essay, probably my best ever, only to have it disappear into cyberspace and send me over the deep end.

And I don't need that.

What I do need is a copy of that book over there. Look to the right. In my list of Linkity-Goodness. See how I'm supposed to be reading The Sex Lives of Cannibals? Well, I'm not. I lost it last weekend. And I can't find it anywhere. It's not at work, it's not in my car, not on my nightstand... I even looked in the sofa cushions. Not there. I have no clue what I did with it and at this rate, I'm going to have to backtrack and re-read the four or so chapters I had already digested. And I despise that.

I also despise Things That Are Complicated. Enter the SAT.

So I signed Dillon up for the SAT tonight. Cost me 60 bucks. I don't remember it costing so much last time I checked. (Granted, that was 1984. And I wasn't paying.) And now you have to go online and fill out a bunch of questionnaires and answer a bunch of questions and I didn't want to do that. I just wanted to send him to the school with a check, and on the appropriate day drop him off early at school (Or better yet! Let him drive himself!) and be done with it. But I guess it doesn't work that way anymore. Technology has, ironically, made things harder. Bummer. They also expect the parents to go to a whole mess of meetings at the school. I don't remember my parents doing all that. When did everything get so complicated?

Gah! Look at what a mess this post is! I'm out of practice.

Let's blame it on Blogger.


el-e-e said...

Since the SATs are relative to my profession I can tell you, they gather all that info electronically because those are the stats they send to all the colleges. They're lazy, they want YOU to do the data entry! Jerks.

Poor Dillon. I hated the SATs. Did well, but hated 'em.

John said...

They changed the format, too, right? It's out of 2400 now or something? That's bullshit. Good luck on the SAT Dillon. They suck. I took them twice.

Slash I was born in 1984 when you were taking your SATs. Weird.