Saturday, March 04, 2006

Please. Shoot Me Now.

Oh. My. God.

I had Two. Two glasses of wine last night.

And woke up with my head pounding and my stomach churning at 7am.

Went back to sleep. Need more sleep.

Woke up at 9:30. Can't get out of bed. Watch HGTV.

10:30. Must get up.

Downstairs. Plant butt on couch. Wait to die.

Lament. It was ONLY two glasses of wine!

(Granted, I have Ginormous, Bulbous, Wineglasses... But still.)

12:30. Today must start sometime. Take 3 Excedrin Migraine. Make Strong Coffee.

(Mmmm! Coffee! And I have biscotti! Yay! Eat biscotti. Taste anise. Shit. I hate anise. Give rest to Dillon. He'll eat anything.)

It occurs to me that Two Glasses of Wine should not make me feel like this. This is why I stopped drinking red wine. The sulfites...

Check back of Chardonnay bottle:


Pour out remaining sip of Chardonnay.

Vow to stick to Hard Liquor.


Anonymous said...

I wanna be a sophisticated drunk that knows big words like 'Sulfite' and the side affects! I wanna tell stories about being drunk on wine and swearing myself to hard liquor!

Why do I have to be oh so fond of piss water Corona? That you get charged import price for when it's made in Chicago?

You're my idol.

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Silly, silly girl. Did you remember to eat? You measure "glasses" like my husband does. I know how many your two glasses are. Wasn't Noodle home to mix you cosmos? Put that child to work.

Brooke said...

Shall I send you a bottle of vodka? Anything to help you feel better. :D