Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Really, I Prefer Quirky.

Today I was tagged by Emily to list 5 weird things about myself. I have to say this came at a great time, because the fog hasn't yet lifted from my brain and ideas are slow in coming. I have to wonder, though, where does Weird leave off and Embarrassing take over? I guess we'll see:

1) I love that last scene in Dirty Dancing and when I finish watching it, will rewind to the point where Patrick Swayze says, "Nobody puts Baby in a corner" and view it through to the end with tears in my eyes. A couple times.

See... now I'm embarrassed.

2) I really do dance with the dog. When I start bustin' a move, he starts jumping around and barking. I'm not sure if he's telling me, "Go, Mom, go! Shake that booty!" or if he's saying, "Stop, you crazy bitch! The curtains are open and my canine peers will see you!"

3) I have a Winnie-the-Pooh tattoo. On my right hip. I know that's weird. It not pretty, it's not cool, it's a cartoon. But Pooh runs pretty deep in my veins. He is accepting and happy and trusting and only sees the best in people. Plus, he was on my blankie.

4) I giggle at wholly inappropriate moments. I'm a nervous giggler, and I tend to find humor in places that others don't. Your appendix burst? Giggle. You got fired? Giggle. You're having an affair? Giggle. Allow me to apologize in advance...

5) I don't eat breakfast because it gives me diarrhea. I swear. I have no idea why that is, but it started in Jr. High or High School and hasn't let up since. If I wait a few hours after I wake up, all is good, but if I eat before my stomach has a chance to catch up with the rest of my body, all Hell will break loose. Literally.

That might have been an over-share.

And may I present the Tag to:

1) Annie
2) Jes
3) Bec


Candi said...

1) OK, I'll see your Dirty Dancing and raise you Vision Quest. If D hasn't seen it yet, he TOTALLY has to!!!

2) Dance like only your dog is watching!!!

3) I've been thinking of adding another tattoo to my already marred body... Three stars (one for each kid), small, on my left big toe so you could see them when I wear flip flops... Not sure if I should do all black, two pink and a blue, or one red, one white, one green...

4) Your husband went AWOL to Guam to meet a stripper? Giggle.

5) OMG - same problem, but I think it's because of the coffee with me.

Brooke said...

Nah, no such thing as over-sharing! Not around these parts anyway!