Sunday, January 08, 2006

And On Top Of That...

GOD! It's Sunday night already? That is SO not fair! This weekend sucked. Not only was I cheated out of Friday Night Happy Hour by that old buzz-kill Responsibility, but then, after sleeping in (that was nice) on Saturday, I spent 8 (YES, EIGHT) hours cleaning up my Christmas Accoutrements. In my defense, I have more ornaments than several Normal households put together (and then there's my village...) but I kept getting distracted and found myself cleaning out the closet, vacuuming the stairs, watching a Lifetime movie, and twice, I came-to to find myself sitting in my computer chair checking out my favorite blogs. But FINALLY, finally, it is over and done with and all put to rest for yet another 11 months.

I did finally get to tip a bottle too, but just some old Pinot Grigio, and just because I couldn't sleep last night circa midnight. Drinking as Medication. problems here!

On top of that, my hamstrings are KILLING me today. All that squatting and bending yesterday while cleaning Christmas. Really. I realize how pathetic that is and it renews my determination to get back to the gym. Really....

And on top of all that (!) I think I'm catching a cold. My sinuses are tickley and my head is floaty and there's gunk draining down my throat. Gross.

Also, Dillon is sad because Girlfriend broke up with him. Her reason? "He deserved better than her." Ugh. Teenage girls and drama. But we'll see. I'm not so sure it's over yet.

Furthermore, Tater just started his first day of a 6-day swing shift (10pm-6am), and this is the hardest shift for us all to handle.

So my shoulders are heavy and tomorrow is Monday and I have a full In-Box awaiting me in the office.

I am Shlumpy tonight and I don't like it. Shlumpy on me feels like an itchy wool sweater, too tight in the neck, that I can't take off. It makes me fidgety and headachy and sad.

1 comment:

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

But I still love you.