Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Oh, For Christ's Sake...

Immediately after publishing that last post, I received a comment from a Concerned Christian Citizen who feels that if I just trust in God, He will see me through. Or something like that...whenever the subject of God comes up, my mind starts to wander and, quite frankly, I wasn't really paying attention*. This is probably why all those Priests and Nuns in my childhood thought I was "special".

For those of you who are concerned that I may, perhaps, be going to Hell, I didn't REALLY put that sign on my door - I just wanted to. I did leave early. I had had it. With a woman who insisted that I speak with her since her husband wasn't home and then not only refused to listen to the reasons that we were excluding her from getting a new roof this year, abused me and interrupted me mid-explanation and then spat at me to email her husband. In a word, she was a Bitch.

Now. Back to the sorry state of my Eternal Salvation. It's not that I don't believe in a higher power. I do believe that there is something greater than humankind. I DON'T believe in the infallibility of the Bible. I DO believe in the Theory of Evolution. I am Pro-Choice and completely support same-sex marriages. I do not think that Christians have the only ticket to heaven. I think there will be Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, Islamics, Native Americans, Rastafarians, and even Ancient Pagans in the hereafter. All getting along beautifully. Hopefully dancing to Tom Jones and drinking Pina Coladas on a tropical island with everlasting bowls of potato chips. And Ding-Dongs. And no whiners or negativity-spewers will be allowed.

I am a nice person. I am a better-than-average Mother. I treat others like I would like them to treat me. I am happy and responsible, I say hello to strangers and I am not in the least bit worried should the Rapture transpire tomorrow.

I have faith it will all work out.

*Just remembered. It was in my deleted mail. Here it is in it's entirety:

all i have to say is trust in God he is the answer to all your questions. If you believe he will take all your pains away.

For the record- I do trust in a "higher power", I don't have any questions, and I'm certainly not in pain. I am annoyed from being treated poorly by yet another old biddy at work.


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

I, personally, am not interested in any Heaven that does not include snack cakes.

Brooke said...

You should have seen the response I had when I read the first hate mail I received.

It's ironic that we (Ms. Hate Mail and I) are now blog-buds, but I was none too happy at first.

Sometimes, you just have to say...delete.

Anonymous said...

Please forgive me, maybe I just misunderstood your post or you misunderstood my comment. I just have 13 years old and I’m not very good in English, because I’m Puertorrican. I wanted to help you in some kind of way. Sorry

Paige said...

Awww. Check it out. Now I feel bad.

Dear Marliz~ Please accept my apologies for going straight to Bitchy. I have a very short fuse when it comes to Christian counsel. It has been suggested that my Liberal-Lapsed Catholic perspective on the world is going to gain me a one-way ticket straight south in the end and my tolerance level was exceeded long before you came along trying to offer me kind words.

Please accept my cyber-hug. Paige

Candi said...

[Stands up and claps]

And as for only Christians in Heaven - I just hope everyone gets to go wherever they want in their afterlife - except those who deserve to go to a certain place they have comin' to them.