Friday, January 13, 2006

Bring It On, Baby

I spent this entire week on the verge of tears.

I just didn't feel good and I was swamped at work and my car broke down, I was fighting with the Tater, hadn't been to the grocery, the dentist mutilated my mouth, I needed to balance my checkbook, send out thank you notes and buy stuff for Mackenzie's birthday. I found another gray hair, had to postpone Mackenzie's Saturday sleepover because all her friends were going out of town this weekend and she cried because they couldn't come, I murdered another plant and broke a nail.

And then I cried.

Actually, I cried at work this morning, and that is NOT cool. I called Beth to let her know I had to meet her a little bit later than we planned and when she asked me how I was, I started crying. I do that. I can hold it together until someone says, "How are you doing?" So then I cried and then she knew. Which then freaked out my co-worker, a macho Puerto-Rican maintenance man - he totally didn't know what to do with me but gave it his best shot.

So I pulled it together to finish the workday (1:00 for me), ran some errands, came home and talked to Tater. And cried again. But he held me and told me it would be ok and we took a walk to get my car from my office and I made dinner. He left for work, I made myself a Cosmo in a pint glass and sat down with Mac to watch Princess Diaries.

And here I am. Thankful that this week is over, cleansed by tears, and fortified (with vodka) for whatever Life will fling at me next.

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