Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Out-Out, Damn Tree!

So. I'm home with Mackenzie who has the flu, the spousal unit is off on a hunting trip (bears...WHY?), Dillon's at wrestling practice, and my Christmas tree is still up and mocking me with all it's Sparkly Hominess:

In the dining room, my Tippecanoe County Christmas Village looks like a Lilliputian ghost town:

There is still a garland wrapped around my staircase and 2 of the 4 stockings hanging forlornly on the banister:

And for the past couple of days I've been randomly collecting Christmas Crap from bathrooms and side tables and bells off doors and piling it all on the dining room table for streamlined packing-away whenever it chances to happen.

But I am suffering a serious lack of oomph. I WANT my tree down and all my decorations safely tucked up in the attic awaiting yet another Season of Joy and Stress, but I don't want to DO it. My goal is always January 4th at the LATEST to get all this Christmas paraphanalia out of my hair. Today is the 4th. It's not done and it's not going to be done. But I'm tired of looking at it all and the thought of packing it all away is overwhelming me to the point of denial. "TREE? What tree? That's a new.... light in the corner. Pottery Barn says they're all the rage."

I have cleaned bathrooms, washed sheets, balanced checkbooks, vacuumed, written and read all to avoid The Tree.

But soon, it's going to turn into kindling and be a safety issue. And then I'll HAVE to do something. What I'd LIKE to do is pay someone $100 to take it down. Now THERE's a business idea. Forget the cleaning lady. I don't like strangers cleaning my stuff. But I have no problem paying a stranger to pack away my ornaments, wind up the lights....

Who am I kidding? That would kill me. My OCD would kick into high gear and I'd end up getting them a Coke and sitting them on the couch while I took it down because God knows that no one can do it The Right Way like I can.

Except my Mom.

Now THERE'S an Idea...

Hey, Mom?


#1 Dancer said...

I actually think that's a GREAT idea! My sister did that for extra cash during winter break from college/high school, and if anyone is OCD it's her. Maybe you could call up neighboring student, interview them for their analness and then leave the house? If I had any money left over from our Christmas pillaging, I would definitely do that. My tree is still staring at us, dark in the corner. We should at least turn it on....

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

My tree has been fuctioning as a nighttime breastfeeding nightlight. I plan to take it down this evening. I guess it pays to have a fake tree, so if I get lazy, no one gets hurt. According to my Dad, the fireman, every real tree, old or not, is a fire hazzard. Our tree growing up had fake snow that looked so lifelike.....

Anonymous said...

Atleast it's a pretty tree to look while it's still up. I'm one that normally waits until the 3rd or 4th to take it down, but this year I was home alone on the afternoon of the 31st (and that NEVER happens) and it was quiet so I had it down and packed up in less than an hour. Gotta love the fake pre-lit trees they have nowadays :-)

Rebecca said...

I usually leave my tree up for a week after Christmas. This year I was ready to take it down Christmas evening. I waited until the 26th and down it went. We had it up a couple of weeks before Christmas but nothing was on it. Then Al added lights. Finally about a week before we threw on some decorations. The new dog claimed the skirt as his new bed. He unwrapped a couple my son's presents to make his point.