Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Dogs! "Just Say No"!


Whole Foods Market Dark Belgian Chocolate = Doggy Crack

His Royal Highness Taiko, who won't push open a door to get to the man-boy and stands outside of it scratching and sitting and cocking his head until someone gets up to admit him, somehow unzipped Tater's bag and ate a hunk of chocolate about the size of a racquetball ball. When we walked in the door, he was pushing the remains of it around on the almost-white carpet, leaving a nasty brown aftermath, trying to get a bite off it here and there. (At first I thought it was poop. I was almost relieved to find out it was chocolate.) If he'd had opposable thumbs, it might have been all over for the little guy, but as it was, I think we got home just in the nick of time.

As he had already scavenged most of a bag of Halloween candy a couple of years ago, I knew his system could probably handle this, so don't go getting all nervous and belligerent at me for making a joke out of a potentially deadly situation. He's a trooper - he's got the Mills-choco-metabolism gene.

So I let him out just in case the chocolate snaked through his interior lightning fast, and commenced the close watching in case he took a turn for the worse.

At first, he just seemed really playful. He wanted to chase his rope-toy, he chewed on his squeaky-man, he met everyone coming up and down the stairs, but then he got his freak on. He would lie down for a couple of minutes and then jump up and run the circle made by the dining room, kitchen and living room. He grabbed one toy and then the other! He randomly ran around in tight circles, one way then the other!

And then he laid down.

For two minutes.

And then he jumped up!

And he ran to the kitchen! And he ran back to the couch! He rebounded off the couch with 2 paws! He grabbed the rope and jumped on the ottoman! He ran upstairs and said hi to Dillon! He ran downstairs and randomly barked at me.

I had to stay up until almost midnight until he settled down enough to go to sleep.

This is Dog:

This is Dog on crack:


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Alternative doggy parenting doesn't seem to be working out so well for him. Is there a doggy 12 step chocolate program? Is he trying to score Hershey bars on the corner? If you catch him with M&M's, he's a goner.

#1 Dancer said...

LMAO! Great photos!! I love 'em!!!

BTW, I heard that it's only "Baker's Chocolate" that is lethal to dogs. Not sure if that is true.

Slightly coincendental, I posted about my dogs today too... Not quite as fun as your evening, however...

Candi said...

HEHEHE! I could SO picture the whole thing, that's a riot!!!