Sunday, January 15, 2006


In exactly 12 hours, this child will turn 11 years old:

It seems like just yesterday she was a baby. I can still remember the baby-scent of her head. I can still feel her arm around my back, playing with my long hair as she nursed at my breast. I can still remember the sunshine of her smile when her brother walked into the room. Eleven years have passed since she was delivered to our lives, but I remember each second of each year like it was a gift from God.

She is the child we planned for but is so much more than we could have designed. She is beautiful. And funny. And bright. She has crazy curly hair. She loves to read and garden. She likes science and hip-hop music. She loves to dance and cook. Her laugh makes angels weep. She is perceptive and caring; accepting and welcoming. She is shy. But once she knows you, look out. She can talk a blue streak.

She helps with domestic chores without needing prompting. She feeds the dog, dusts and cleans bathrooms.

She is hard for me to shake. I haven't rented rated R movies in years. She sits Right Next to Me on the couch and follows me from room to room, floor to floor, chatting all the while. She is me. Only shorter. ( Barely.) And younger. (Muchly.)

I am so blessed to have her in my life. I am honored that God included her in my existence and entrusted her to my care and peculiar style of parenting.

She makes me proud to be her mother every single day.


Anonymous said...

Wow, she looks so much like her mommy! Happy birthday to her!!

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Happy Birthday Noodle! You know she holds such a special place in my heart as well. Who else would watch Auntie Mame as seriously as I do?

#1 Dancer said...

She's gorgeous!! I am jealous!! If I could have 5 of yours I would, I'm just sure I'd get 5 of the opposite.
Happy Birthday, Mackenzie!

Brooke said...

Oh she is BEAUTIFUL! And you can see her character and personality in each pic as well, which I love!
Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet entry about a truly amazing young lady - Happy 11th Birthday Mackenzie.

Paige said...

Hi Ladies! Thank you so much for the beautiful birthday wishes. She truly is a Miracle.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the well wishes for Aidan. I'm still truly amazed at how well he's handling all of it and how well it's working. Tomorrow we've got to head over to Bethesda for his pre-op appt for his ear tubes which he's having done on Friday. Eventually we'll have all these appointments behind us.

Anonymous said...

And she's MY grandaughter!!!XXXOOO