Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Clearing Things Up

In adding my old posts, I've come to realize that if you are a new kid on the block, then you just might not know that I spent from 2000-2004 living in Japan. You just might think I've been hanging out here, in DC, for my whole entire life. And in that case, the posts titled things like, "The Day Winter Came to Tokyo", "The Day I Flew to Korea" (I mean, WHO flies from DC to Korea for one day of shopping?), "The Day Spring Came to Tokyo", and "False Advertizing in Kyoto" might not make any sense to you.

So now you know. I used to live in Japan.


Candi said...

And then you LEFT me here!

Oh, and by the way, Siena also starts stories with "Remember that day we flew to Korea..." That'll be fun when we move back...

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

You lived in JAPAN? It's like I don't even know you at all....

John said...

I THOUGHT it was weird how you introduced that horrible video by saying 'Japanese friends, look here'.

[that damn video...WHY James Brown, WHY?!]