Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Today was the 4th of July Invitational Swim Meet. Mac did Back Stroke and the Free Relay. She did awesome. I got burnt. And my knees are killing me because I forgot the part of the newsletter that said, "There will be 6 teams there. Bring your own damn chairs!" So I had to stand. Also, I thought, "Who can get burnt at 8:30am?" Answer: "Me." Note to self: ALWAYS, ALWAYS, apply sunscreen at a swim meet. No matter how early it is.

Big take off:

Saying "Hi, Mom!":

They play music between Relay Races. Here she is rocking out:

PS - Our team tied for first.


Irish Eyes said...

What the hell are they thinking taking up your entire 4th of July for an invitational? You're such a good mom.

Yay Mackenzie!

sarah doow said...

Love that first photo of Mac's big take-off!

DebbieDoesLife said...

Great pics!! I thought my skin was sensitive! You'd better put sunscreen on to go out at night, girl!

Life's Good said...

She has GROWN so much! I remember seeing pics of her when she was just a little girl, before you left Japan.... so cliched, but time does fly, doesn't it?!

I was a swimmer, too - you've brought back fond memories, thanks.


Lyrically speaking said...

Great pics and enjoyed reading your blog