Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Welcome to My World

Dillon has itchy, welty, pussy, scabby Poison Ivy. He and his friends went hiking at Occoquan on Monday. They were in search of the lake as it was hot and humid and near 90-degrees, but as I understand it, they pretty much hiked in circles, never getting close enough to the water to glimpse some blue through the trees.

He's never had Poison Ivy before, which I thought was weird, until I pondered it a while more. He's a city boy. San Diego, Tokyo, Washington DC... Not a lot of poisonous weeds to be found around Horton Plaza or on the Tokyo Subway. My sister, my dad and I, on the other hand, took full advantage of our semi-rural-Indiana upbringing and had Poison Ivy more times than any of us can count, sometimes bad enough to head to the doctor for more advanced medical care than the corner drug store could offer.

I'd like to feel bad for him, but now he has a better taste for that Never-Ever-Move-And-Grow-Up-In-One-Place experience he's always claiming we denied him.


Nina said...

Tell the boy I have grown up in one place and there is plenty more to get than just itchy Poison Ivy. Like apathy, disgust, boredom, etc. Grass, greener over here? Nonsense, my child!

Irish Eyes said...

let's discuss how many times i read the fifth word of the body of this post before i understood what you meant.

Candi said...

ROTFLMAO - Irish Eyes!!!

Poor D. My sis is allergic, so she doesn't even have to touch poinson anything, if it is in the air (pollen, someone burning, etc.) her entire face swells shut. It's quite a site.

As for moving, I've found that after having moved so much in my youth, that after about 3 years in one place, I start to get antsy. The only time I wish I had been in one place is when people ask me where I'm from. Nowhere? What am I, a nomad? Prettty much...

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Irish Eyes-always finsih the whole sentence before passing judgement! Hee hee!

I'm sorry he's itchy. Itchy is the worst. But at least you have the joy of laughing at him. And they couldn't find the lake? What, did Pat give them directions?

Brenda said...

My middle son, Nathan, is good for finding any poison ivy and getting it all over his body.

Good Luck with the itching!

Anonymous said...

My oldest is horribly allergic to PI and it can get ulcerated pretty quickly. Get Dillon a tube of Zanfel. You might have to sell one of your kids to gypsies in order to afford it ($35 for a small tube), but it works wonders. Of course...your kid is probably worth more than $35.