Thursday, July 27, 2006

Learning to Deal

I've discovered an excellent way to manage the stress at my job:

I stopped answering the phone.

I know! Right?! It was the most obvious answer and there it was, just waiting for me to discover it all along... You don't like the Customers at your Customer Service Job??? Ignore them!

I actually discovered the genius of letting the voice mail pick up by accident. I have been swamped this week.... organizing forms, composing letters, checking files, compiling lists, collecting trashcan preferences (don't even ask), writing reports... and truthfully haven't had the time to run to the phone every time it rings so I've been letting it go to voice mail and then returning phone calls during the last 90 minutes of the day. I have gotten So Much Done that I can't even stand myself.

Don't get me wrong. It is still not humanly possible for me to get everything done that needs to be done by the time it needs to be done.

But at least I am making progress.

High five to me.


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

I didn't know you were allowed to ignore the phone! Brilliant! I think you need to change your outgoing message to something along hte lines of, "We sorry we can't take your call at the moment. Please leave your message after the tone. If you are rude, your complaint will be move to the bottom of our list. Thanks for calling!"

Candi said...


I have to admit, one of my happiest days in Japan was when we got Caller ID. You make a list of no answer numbers, and screen your heart out... :)

Brenda said...

Bravo!! I'd say this is a time management skill!

Michelle said...

I'm so happy for you. I know you said you've got so much to do. But at least you've been given a break from the crazies who call there to bother you.:)

John said...

Um, Paige? Isn't not answering your phone no longer actually DOING your job?

Ha ha...I don't think you beat the system. I think you just LEFT the system :)