Wednesday, June 28, 2006


So when I got home yesterday, I saw all the forest animals lined up, two by two, behind my house, hailing a cab. Apparently all the Arks were full.

And there was a squirrel surfing in my gutter.

And because of all this water, everyone is on edge here and about 15% of my neighborhood has something inside their home as wet as the outside (ceilings, windows, basements, you name it). And they all call me to come fix it, like... yesterday.

And after 3 days of this, I totally lost it at work today. I won't bore you with the details, but it consisted of a homeowner getting unnecessarily shitty with me over email, and me saying FUCK a lot and reminding the maintenance man how much I hate them all, and responded in my own email, pointing out what an asshole he was. Judging from his wife's email back, she agreed. I've been working my ass off for the past 3 days, putting out fires, taking calls after hours, and don't you DARE suggest that I'm not doing enough. My FUCKING roof is leaking too, and my drainpipe is at the END of the queue to be snaked.

After my tirade, the maintenance man turned to me and said, "Are you a Leo?"

Was it that obvious?


Paige said...

Wow! Sorry to hear that y'all are having so much rain. I hope it stops soon and everything gets dried out.

Brenda said...

What did the news call this monsoon that you're having...the 200 yr rain storm.. or something.

Hope you dry out soon!

word verification ~ rzimi

sounds like a sprinkle not a torential(sp) downpour.

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

But how do you really feel?

Word verification: iveaxe which you just might if this keeps up...

Candi said...

WOAH. Last time I saw you this pissed was after we stopped the brawl of 2004... Damn. How is your house doing? I haven't been able to bring myself to call and aska bout our house. Irnoic, we just bought it Friday... I figured the "renters" would call if there was a problem, right??

How come I don't get any word verifications that are fun?? I get 14 letter ones that are so squiggly I think they are all "L".