Sunday, May 07, 2006

Seis de Mayo

Who doesn't love a Seis do Mayo Party?

This morning, Me.

We went over to Jeff and Singing-Lisa's house last night for chili and margaritas and woke up with a hangover. It's been a very long time since I woke up with a hangover* and blame Singing-Lisa and her overachieving hostessey-ness. My glass was never empty. First with the Key-Lime Margaritas and then with the Frozen-Strawberrry Margaritas. At the end of the night, as we were handing the keys over to Dillon (pay-back, Baby), I caught a glimpse of the newly opened tequila bottle... Half-empty. Except for one margarita each, the boys drank beer all night long. Do the math, and this means that Singing Lisa and I each drank about a pitcher and a half of margaritas.

Duh, I feel like shit.

*The Sulfite Hangover doesn't count.


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Because that'a an allergy...

Brenda said...

I had to go to a 'one year anniversery' for a bar. yippy. All the free Pasbt... another yippy. So, I had diet coke and came home smelling like bad cigars and cigs. YUCKY! Oh well, we have to support our friends.

Hope you're feeling better.

Irish Eyes said...

I cannot even tell you what would happen to me if I drank a pitcher and a half of margaritas. You are my hero.

John said...

I think you can keep up with us college students. Jeezums.