Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Why Social Services Comes-a-Callin'

9:50pm. Phone rings.

Dillon, after attending school from 7:30am-2:10pm and working from 3:00pm-9:50pm: "Hey, I got off early. Can you come pick me up?"

Tater, from Downstairs, Land of the Ginormous TV : "Hon! Can you go get Dillon?"

Paige, from upstairs, Land of the Clean Living Room: "House is almost over! Can you go get him?"

"I've been drinking!"

"Ok! Tell him to wait 10 minutes! Tell him to walk to Giant!"

So I finished watching my show then stopped off to pick up my Mother-of-the Year Award while Dillon waited for me to get there.

Thank you. Thank you, Everyone.


Anonymous said...

But wasn't House EXCELLENT tonight??

What kind of kid would expect you to miss the last 10 minutes of house, especially on Mother's Day Week Eve????

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

You need tivo.

Candi said...

Ha! So what is the Mother-of-the-Year Award? If it's a big cup we could fill it with Margaritas. Hm... If it's a plaque, we can flip it and cut limes on it. Gift certificate - that's difficult - roll it and use it as a straw?

John said...

or as a joint?

who said that?!

mamatulip said...

LOL! Gone are the days of popping a tape in the ol' VCR, eh?