Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Guess what I did last Tuesday night!

Angie and I had dinner with Emily. And we had a great time. She was adorable and taller-than-I-thought and funny and so nervous she was almost shaking. I didn't think I was that scary, but I also don't think I'm high-maintenance. I have heard otherwise.

Anyway, I believe she enjoyed herself, despite all the freaking out, and it was fun to get to know her, see photos of Lissa, and hear, first hand, their plans for the future. We tried to introduce her to Greek food. She had pasta. In less than 2 hours, she busted me for being Easily Distracted. (I am hoping she thinks it part of my Charm, as Annie does.) I also got to tele-meet Lissa, who called just at the end of our dinner and sounds super-sweet. It would be great to meet her one day as well.

1 comment:

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Em- You look like my youngest cousin! Scary. So glad you guys got to meet. Hope I can catch you after I move down but before you move out.