Friday, May 26, 2006

Hugh Jackman. Mmmmmm.

In the time-honored tradition of our Alternative Parenting Style, Tater and I took Mac out of school today, right after lunch, to go to the movies. X-Men: The Last Stand opened today and we needed to see it Now.

Dillon was pretty sassy last night when he told us that he was going to go see it tonight. Until we told him that we were seeing the matinee first. We would have taken him, but he had 2 SOL tests this afternoon and couldn't miss school. Sucks to be him.

I suppose I should see X2 now...


Paige said...

SOL - I know! Right? Could any test be more inappropriately named?

No. No review. That would imply I cared. I was entertained for 90+minutes and didn't leave at the end, even when I almost wet my pants. That's a winner in my book.

John said...

HEY!!! I just saw the movie too! For the second time in 24 hours.

I went at the midnight showing at the very premiere, then again today with another friend.

Someone in the audience yelled 'DON'T LEAVE YET, THERE'S ANOTHER SCENE!' so my friend Kristen and I stayed till the very end of the credits.

Lo and behold...another scene...

Did you see it? Do you want me to tell you what it is? HMM?!

[it's pivotal]

Anonymous said...

Here in the UK you can get fined up to £1,000 - that's about $1,860 at the current exchange rate - for taking kids out of school in term time!

John , I hate people who walk out before the credits! I always want to see every last second! It gives me great pleasure (in a not-at-all-OCD way) to think that some people are missing that final scene >>>:-> Serves 'em right, I say! ;-D

Paige, please don't tell me you missed it, or I shall die of embarrassment! `:-o

Paige said...

Sorry MIL. Please refer to earlier comment where I almost wet my pants. I HAD TO GO, MAN! But almost, almost always, we stay until the very end of the credits. Learned that lesson with Disney Flicks.

Em - I know! Right?! Really, it was about her and T wanting to see it. I was just along for the ride. It's part of my whole Apathy Plan.

John, I realized I missed something when I looked it up on IMDb yesterday and there was a hint about that. I didn't have the heart to tell Tater and Mac. BUT TELL ME! TELL ME!

RC said...

Cool stuff i like x2 a lot...i did a post last night about how Jackman really needs to break free from the Wolverine role w/ movies like the Fountain, etc.

This is the year to do it.

--RC of

RC said...

Cool stuff i like x2 a lot...i did a post last night about how Jackman really needs to break free from the Wolverine role w/ movies like the Fountain, etc.

This is the year to do it.

--RC of