Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Toaster vs. Toaster Oven - Vote Now!

Brace yourself for a Big Freakin' Surprise.

Noodle is home from school today.

So. Just a recap here:

Fever Monday. Seemed to get better and then came back Monday night.

Low fever Tuesday morning. By lunch she felt pretty good, (and there was a choir party after school) so she went to school. She came home at 3:30 after the party with a 104.4-degree fever, which went up to 105.6 and hovered there all night.

Now it's Wednesday morning, she's home again, and hovering around 102.5.

I don't hardly know what to do about her.

In the Selfish Category, I haven't been to the gym in over a week. I keep saying that I'll go at 3:30, when D gets home and can watch her, but at 3:30 I just don't FEEL like going to the gym.

ALSO (in the Selfish Category), I love my Tater-man but when he comes home at 7pm, 3 hours earlier than normal, it throws off my whole schedule. I have gotten into the habit of sending the munchkins* off to bed and then writing an entry. When he comes home I don't do that. I sit and talk to him. Not that that's a Bad Thing, just not in my Schedule of Evening Events.

*Can I still call my kids "munchkins" when one is 5 inches taller than I and the other will pass me up in a matter of a year or 2???

I've got to go. It's 10:30 and I'm sitting here as if I don't have a thing to do all day long. On the other hand, the longer I sit here, the longer I'm not balancing my checkbook...hmmmm.

Our toaster broke. It just doesn't toast anymore. Not even a little bit. So now I have to order one online because I refuse to give the Navy Exchange any more of my money. (If they can't have cold medicine when I need cold medicine or milk when I need milk or computer paper when I need computer paper, then I will take my business elsewhere. Unfortunately that means taking it an entire country away and not getting anything for 2 or more weeks, but I don't care. They are NOT getting any more of my money!) ...sooo...the question now becomes: toaster or toaster oven? I have never had a toaster oven. But it seems like such a handy little appliance for, say, cheese toast. Or garlic bread. I hear they don't make that great of actual toast, but on the other hand, it does 2 (or more) things whereas the plain-ole-toaster only toasts. If anyone has any opinion on this matter, please leave me a note as I have to make a decision in the next day or 2 so as to receive it before summer.

HRH Mackenzie is calling. She doesn't like to watch movies (she's watching Pretty Woman) alone when she's sick, Maybe I can balance my checkbook while watching the movie with her - kill 2 birds with one stone... And, I really don't need to see it for the 25th TIME!

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