Friday, February 06, 2004

AWOL Husbands and Fingers On Fire

Friday night, 11pm, my date is still at work.

Therefore, it was a quiet night at La Casa de Pooh. Noodle and I watched "Survivor", which I never get to see because Tater and I go out virtually every Friday night (though since all of our friends have moved, I guess his second choice to going out is staying at work. If I didn't have such a strong self-image, I would have drank this ENTIRE bottle of Shiraz. But I only had one glass...)

ANYWAY, I couldn't have cared less about "Survivor", but was totally psyched to watch "Crime Night" on cable...Can you believe that for the ONE NIGHT I was actually HOME, it wasn't on!?!?! How does THAT work? I have a combo degree in Psych/Criminal Justice, and crime shows are WAY my favorite. There were a couple random crime shows on, but I had already seen them. (Except for the one about Dawn Swan in 1973 Michigan -a rape/murder - they found her killer and conviced him just a couple of years ago. HA!!! Go DNA!)

D got home from school around 5pm and kicked me off the computer (where I had been sitting, literally all day, organizing my music files and giving "unknown" artists and titles names) to play his new "Civilization" computer game that he just got in the mail (thanks, Mom!). I believe he would have stayed on here until deep into the night if I hadn't kicked him off for my turn. I'm seriously starting to re-think this no-internet- access-in-his-room-thing. If he's not playing a game, he's reading his friend's journals or chatting with them on MSN IM. I can't blame him...all his friends have moved too and that's the best way to keep in touch with them.

My friend Angie let him borrow her guitar this week because his hasn't come yet (gotta love that international shipping!) and he was getting anxious to start learning. Well, I've been practicing too, and can I tell you that the tips of my fingers are SCREAMING with every keystroke. Those steel strings are such a bitch! And C major is kicking my ass! I'm thinking that if I can't even get that one down then I might be a lost cause from the start... (I am pretty good at E and A-major, tho. Are there any songs I can play with only those 2 chords???)

Well, 11:28 and The Big T just walked in the door. Night!

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