Sunday, February 15, 2004

The Day the New Mac Bitch-Slapped Me

The New Mac Has Finally Arrived!!!!!

And I am typing like a 1st grader on this new, not-so-ergonomic keyboard.

And I keep trying to do PC-things on it...they don't work.

And it took me several-damn-minutes to figure out how to find the Internet.

And I don't get this mouse. (It's very pretty, but useless.) Only 1 big, click button (no right-clicking going on here) and the great wheel to page-down is missing, and there is no "back" button for my thumb. It's very boring for my hand, and we'll be switching back to our old, cordless mouse ASAP.

And my friends are afraid I'm never going to leave my house again.

And there is no-erase-while-you-backspace button so obviously-located just above "enter".***

I have Stuff to do....later.

***Update***3 minutes later***I'm an Idiot. It's there, it's just called "delete". I didn't even try it, it being so inappropriately named, and all.

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