Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Word Shortage

My friends who know me in real life* know that I am rarely without words. This weekend I lost my voice. I just couldn't think of a single thing to tell you guys. But since then, enough has happened that I can ease my self back into my monologue by just hitting you with the highlights (Lucky YOU!):

There's something wrong with my dog-baby. He's been twitching his back legs while sleeping for the past couple of weeks and today, when I got home from work, he got stuck coming down to see me on the second floor staircase holding up his rear right leg. (Perhaps completely unrelated symptoms but worth mentioning.) After a while, he started walking on it again, but he's walking a little funny and laying around and clearly doesn't feel so hot as he didn't come running a while ago when I opened a bag of chips. "Call the Vet", right? He's on base and my ID expired yesterday. (Hope those kids don't break anything...) But really, I'll call in the morning. T can take me.

D has detention tomorrow morning at 6am for writing himself a note last week when he overslept and we all left the house not realizing he was still in bed. Two days later I wrote him a note, they compared notes...Viola! Busted.

I have Rosacea. I'm somewhere between the Middle and Advanced Stage, eyes Early Stage (I don't have that thick-skin-nose-problem, thank GOD). I've actually probably had it for years, but it launched a sneak attack last Tuesday whereby my cheeks turned into two burning scaly raised patches of nastiness and all my pores filled with pus* prompting me to call Right Now, as opposed to Sometime The Week After Next...Maybe like I usually do. I got into the doctor (Who I LOVED, BTW!) the next day. She took one look at me and immediately commenced all the prescription writing. I walked out of the clinic with a grocery-bag-o-meds, but here it is 5 days later and my face looks 90% better.

*Notice how I used "pus" as a noun here and not as an adjective, as in "pussy".

Omm sent more Laugh Out Loud mail. I'll get to those later.

And now I'm out of words again.

*UPDATED to include Betty, Bridget & Bec. Girlfriend Betty called me out for leaving her off the Real Life Friends list. My most humble apologies.


Life's Good said...

They do detention at 6am?? Who supervises that?! You must have some committed teachers who come in at that hour of the morning, lol! No Aussie teacher would haul themselves out of bed....

Hope your pus thing heals up - ouch!


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Well, thank God the problem wasn't with your adjective!

sarah doow said...

Detention at 6am? Ye Gads! What time is it if he does something really bad?!

Nina said...

This teacher, would not be paid enough to be at school at 6am for any reason.
Well...maybe free breakfast.

Poor thing. Should have eaten beans last night so he could have entertained the detainees.
I'm horrible.