Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Usually, Halloween night at my house is chaotic at best. We wait too long to get ready and then rush around to try and meet up with friends, I wait too long to order the pizza and either we don't get to eat it or we have to choke a piece or two down before running out the door. The doorbell rings like crazy, turning the dog into a snarling, growling, maniac, and T mysteriously disappears leaving me to fend for myself against the masked masses.

Tonight was different.

We were ready early, I dropped Mac off at a friend's house, T ordered the pizza later, and the dog barely let out a peep when kids knocked on the door.

I IM'ed with Candi and emailed back and forth with T downstairs, I made myself a drink, and watched House. And Blogged. What a lovely Halloween.

Here is my little PuNk RocKeR and Steve Irwin.


Brenda said...

When I saw the Mac was a PuNK RoCKer, I started singing that song...."Oh, I wish I was a Punk Rocker with Flowers in my hair...."

Great costumes!!

We only had about 25 kids come to the door. All cute kids.

sarah doow said...

Fab costumes. Dillon and Mac always look so happy (and horribly photogenic) in your photos.

Irish Eyes said...

A guy from another office told me today that he gave out 1,600 pieces of candy last night. That's 21 bags. They live on Capitol Hill. My God.

John said...

Did you see the pictures of Bill Maher dressed as Steve Irwin for Halloween? Not as classy or honorable as Dillon's costume either.

Here's the link.


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Steve Irwin was very popular this year. There were two of him at the Hail and Farewell. Your two look super, as usual. I am disappointed not to see what shoes Mac wore. But I love the argyle.

Anonymous said...

Glad your "Steve Irwin" didn't heave a bloody stingray barb sticking out of his chest. I've heard that people are dressing up like that. So sad.

Cheri said...

Things I learned on Halloween: 1)There's always more trick-or-treaters than candy. 2)Buying candy early is not a good idea. 3)Do NOT carve your pumpkins 3 days prior to Halloween.

Your kids look great. Hope they had a good time!