Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What Was

Most of you didn't know Mackenzie as a little girl.

She used to follow me around the house as I did laundry, cooked dinner, even vacuumed while chattering at me all the while. Eventually, I started tuning her out and inserting "Uh-Huh" and "Oh my gosh!" at well-timed intervals while compiling my grocery list in my head or singing along to Sheryl Crow.

But now, every time I see this commercial, it makes my heart hurt just a little bit for the animated little girl that's gone and the censored tween who replaced her. It makes me wish I had stopped and listened to Every Single Word she said.


Candi said...

OMG, that's Biz.

Nina said...

True. True.

Irish Eyes said...

Funny, the first time I saw that commercial I said, "That's like talking to me." to my roommate.