Monday, October 30, 2006

Things I Learned This Weekend

A) When you order Chinese on Friday night, you should expect your house to still smell like Chinese when you wake up Saturday morning. (Ewww.)

2) When you see a girlfriend you haven't seen in 2 years and you've missed her so, so much... you will probably start to cry. (ps - I saw Candi on Sunday!)

2.5) Babies you haven't seen in two years turn into children. And then they don't remember you. :( (Biza)

C) Hwy 5 in Southern MD needs more Golden Arches. I'm just sayin.

*There was probably more than this, but DAMN, it's Monday night and I can't remember any more.


Candi said...

D) When a good girlfriend walks into your new home, she will totally confirm all the "why would they do that" questions you have about bad paint and other choices from previous homeowner's.

5) You can pick up right where you left off...

sarah doow said...

I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who learns stuff, but doesn't actually remember what she's learned.