Sunday, October 15, 2006

Mother-Daughter Bonding

What started out as me sitting on the floor, leaned up against the sofa, folding laundry evolved into Mac sitting behind me playing with my super-straight slippery hair - braiding, flipping, combing - lamenting, "I wish I could run my hands through my hair." As she lulled me into a state of relaxation, I was stunned by one of my hairs being yanked out from the root. She handed it to me. Gray.

And then another one.

And then another one.

And then she parted my hair on the other side and exclaimed, "Oh, I think I found where they're hiding out!"

About 20 total. My gray is gone, but now I'm sporting a hellacious headache.


sarah doow said...

Trouble is, if you pull one out, five will grow in its place. Or you'll have seven years of bad luck, or something. You'd better buy a black cat to be on the safe side.

Anonymous said...

Paige Suzanne, Do not yank your hair out..I don't care what color they are after so many "yanks" :) you will kill the hair follical then you will be bald!!!

Paige said...

Gah! I didn't do it! Mackenzie did it!

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

This strikes me as a very good way for little girls to end up with broken fingers and sent to bed without supper. I didn't notice any grey when I saw you a couple of weeks ago.

Candi said...

Hehe. Poor thing, I felt bad with the "I wish I could run my fingers through my (super curly) hair" comment.

Anonymous said...

A headache? You're lucky you don't have a bald spot to go with it!

Irish Eyes said...

It's funny when mothers call their grown up kids by their full names, but it's way better when they type it in a comment on their blog. But it's one pretty name. . . : )

Nina said...

Thank goodness I don't have any gray hairs! And thank goodness I don't have any "monkeys" who "comb" through to inspect for them, either. (the post reminded me of a zoo scene where several monkeys 'groom' one another...)

Brenda said...

One word: Clairol

My sister is a light red head. She is getting 'white' hairs, but on her it looks like highlights. I'm jealous.

When my 'white' hairs started coming in, I began to look like Morticia! Only more skunk like.

Again: Clairol

But only when it's absolutely positvely necessary.

I would part my hair differently, or curl it, anything to hide the changing color. Finally I had to bite the hair coloring bullet. I just don't think I could pull off the white hair routine just yet.