Monday, October 02, 2006

When Kids Take Control of the Answering Machine

If you call me tonight, and my Tater's new telephone* rings, and I fail to pick up (which frequently happens, due to an inexcusable fear of the telephone which causes me to screen and quiver in loathing every time it rings), what you will hear is Mackenzie saying, "You've reached the M**** residence. Please leave a message after the Wookie."

And then you'll hear Dillon make an awesomely realistic (assuming Wookies are Real) Wookie sound, signaling the moment you should start talking.

Unfortunately, it will be hard, what with all the hysterics.

*Because. Seriously. Tater... and the Electronics... a more passionate relationship was never had.


Anonymous said...

I want to call you JUST to hear the outgoing message, haha!

Paige said...

It's so funny. I don't have a mic on my computer, but I think Dillon does. I asked him to record it for us. Because. Seriously. One should not die before hearing Dillon as Wookie.

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

I'm so calling your house.

Brenda said...

And Wookies ARE real. Just as Luke Skywalker!!!

Candi said...

Seriously, this tops most other fun things any of our kids have done - that is hysterical. Can't wait to hear it!