Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Procrastinate No Longer

I can't talk now.

I have to go take down my Christmas Tree.




...and the Christmas Tree is DOWN!! I was too damn close to beating my record of procrastination regarding the removal of Christmas paraphanelia, which is January 10th. I prefer to take it down the 1st or 2nd. But I was just too exhausted from our ski trip and consumed by the post-holiday madness...

(in addition to the pre-Change of Command craziness)

(combined with Noodle-birthday-planning insanity), even think about it. But today I went into the livingroom and just couldn't even stand the embarrassment of having my tree still up where anyone who comes to my door can see it through the sidelight.

In an equally embarrassing train of thought, I am horrified and sickened by the state of my home. I am an every-day bed maker. (Either you are or you aren't - you know the truth...) During the last month, I have barely even pulled up the covers. Now that I think about it, it's probably only been made when I wash the sheets. I have been flying out of my bedroom in a frenzied rush every morning and not even returning until time for bed, where I walk in and just think, "Oh damn! I can't even GO to bed until I MAKE the bed!" Because I can't go to bed in a mess of sheets and blanket all jumbled up and confusing my body. I hate that. When I was a kid, I actually used to get up in the night, if I had messed up my covers, and remake the bed before I could continue sleeping. I don't do that any more. Tater would just die, "Hon, could you move your leg? I'm trying to fix the blankets so I can finish sleeping..."

What the heck is the point here???

Oh yeah, that my house is a mess. I haven't cleaned the bathrooms since Dec 28th, there are 3 "To Do" piles, my checkbook hasn't been balanced since Dec. 10th, and I still have 2 Christmas presents to get in the mail. There's more, but if I think about it all now I won't be able to sleep and my head will probably explode. "One thing at a time". That's my new mantra. Well, THAT, and "No more taking crap from anyone."(credit to Mom) Also, I can't forget the always appropriate, "Everyone is responsible for her own happiness."

If I spent less time thinking up new mantras, I'd have more time to complete my "chores".

For the record, I HATE that word, "chores". (Probably because it's a word that Tater uses. Not to me, or I'd kick him in the shins.) If ever something sounds like something someone has assigned me to do, I automatically don't want to do it. And rarely do.

I'm just sayin'

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