Saturday, January 10, 2004

Disjointed Thoughts At Midnight

By the way...

I GOT A NEW DRYER!!! (Does the happy dance.) :)

Now the only problem is that it makes my washing machine look like a piece of crap. Which it is. But, it works, so I will not disparage it too much. Besides, God willing, it won't be mine for too much longer.


We took the munchkins to dinner tonight at the O'Club. Now I remember why we only eat there about once a year.

It's not-so-good.

Actually, ICK.

They were having a Chinese Buffet, and you'd think, that being so close to China as we are that SOMEONE would know how to make decent Chinese food. Not the case. Communist plot???


Ran 2.4 miles today. Now I'm up to 8-point-something. Too bad I need to net about 10 miles a week to reach my goal of 500 miles this year! Guess I'll be headed off to the gym tomorrow or Sunday... Who's idea was this anyway???


My house is still a mess, but I'm still working on that scrapbook-secret-presento-thing (which is especially hard, because remember, I DON'T scrapbook), and I just don't have time. Maybe next week.


Why is it that whenever I don't need it, people are always emailing me a copy of the "Navy Wives Poem"...(usually with a comment at the bottom that says if I don't forward it to half-a-billion best friends something horrible will happen to me or my loved ones)...but when I need it, I can't Google it to save my life. It's OK, I have a copy somewhere, but I was really hoping to copy-and-paste and not have to actually TYPE it all out.

Technology = Lazy

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