Saturday, January 03, 2004

In Which My Dryer Sounds Like a Freight Train

Here's the conversation I had with the woman who answered the phone at my Military Housing Trouble Desk:

"Trouble Desk, Emergency Repairs."

"Well, this isn't an emergency, but can you hear that banging in the background?"


"That's my dryer. I'd like to make an appointment to have it fixed."

"Well, you know, when all the clothes are on one side it can get out of balance and bang."

"Bwaaa-haa-haa! Nooooooo, that's the washing machine that does that. I'm talking about the dryer."

"Ummmmmmmmmmm...Hold on a minute."

(Waiting to diiiiiiieeeeeeeee.........)

"Ma'am, does it bang when the dryer's off?"

"Bwaaaaaa-haa-haa! (How stupid is this woman?) The dryer?"


"No, it doesn't bang when it's off. (But it's a lot harder to dry clothes that way...)"

"Well, then we can't fix it today."

*****(At this point, please refer to the 2nd & 3rd lines of conversation where I told her it wasn't an emergency and wanted to make an appointment.)*****

"(Laughing again...STUPID! I'll try to talk s l o w e r...) That's ok. Can I make an appointment for...soon?"

"Yes, (happy to be understanding the question) how about Monday?"

"Sold." To the woman whose patience with Government Employees has expired.

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