Monday, January 05, 2004

Ginormous Murderous Pachyderms

First of all, I waited around all day yesterday and (BIG SURPRISE), no dryer-repair-guy.

On the plus side, they did actually call this morning and apparently will be here between 1 and 3 today.

Who wants to place bets on whether or not the Navy will decide our 2-hour-drying-time, freight-train-banging, piece-of-shit dryer will be replaced in the next 2 hours???

The odds aren't good. Been there, done that.

We went to see LOTR 3 last night. First of all, I really wish I had sat down with Tater and D Sunday to re-watch 1 & 2. Those place names and people names really throw off my concentration and get me all confused, and for the first 30 minutes I sat there racking my brain trying to figure what the heck was going on.

That was the longest movie ever...

(1:02pm. Dryer guys are here! -14 lb. lap-dog barking and growling...wants to eat men- There is much sucking in air and conversing in Japanese over the sorry state of my household appliances...)

...with the most endings ever. I thought it was over at least 5 times! After Frodo left and the fade to black, people started getting up out of their chairs - then there was un-fading again (!) and then fading again (!) and someone in the balcony yells out, "For the love of GOD!!"

(1:08pm. The Very Nice Japanese Man just showed me a note that says "We will recommend to the Housing Office replacement of this machine." -They don't speak English.- WOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO!!!!! I get a new dryer!!!!!)

I used to love elephants, but the Ginormous Murderous Pachyderms freaked me out.

Not to mention the flying heads, goblins, orcs, and ewww, that spider! Thank God Noodle could sleep last night.

On the whole, I'd have to say, "Two thumbs up!" We loved it. I personally thought it was the best yet.

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