Tuesday, January 27, 2004

In Which I've Become Cheap Prison Labor

Did I miss something?

My house has become some sort of germ-infested prison during the last 10 days. First, I couldn't leave due to that unholy mega-cold, and now that I can venture back into the land-of-the-living, Noodle has come down with a mystery-fever/sore throat/bloodshot eyes-thing. She's had a fever since Saturday (it's Tuesday night). And she actually SEEMS fine, but the thermometer reads 101.5 most of the time. She is definately going to school tomorrow. Unless she's REALLY sick...

Anyway, now that I am feeling better and still can't go anywhere, there has been nothing else to do but clean my house (**just LIKE a prison...). Today I cleaned the under-the-stairs closet (and anyone who has one of those knows the horrors that are lurking in there...), Noodle's room (but not her armoire - it's REALLY scary in there), dusted the downstairs, cleaned the bathrooms, and swept and mopped the entire floor (but not D's room - that's no longer my job). Now I'm tired.

Noodle and I met Tater for lunch today at the Golf Course. He told me to meet him there just after 1pm. Which I did. At 1:20 I called his office to see if he stood us up...he was "walking out the door" and finally showed up at 1:35. Good thing I love him so much or I would have been really pissed. (I rock.). But Noodle and I just entertained ourselves by her kicking my butt at Hangman. About 5 times.

Time to finish mopping the stairs and then I'm going to relax!

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