Sunday, January 25, 2004

I'm Better, She's Worse

Well, I'm feeling better (except for the runny nose and barking cough), but last night Noodle came down with a 102-degree fever/sore throat combo. Doesn't that just figure? (And me with no children's fever-reducer - she's 9, but still won't swallow pills. Stubborn.)

God, I hate January. This is making those half-a-million-dollar homes in San Diego I said I'd never move back into look better and better every day. And it's not even really that cold here - daytime highs hover around the high 40's-low 50's. I just really despise the cold if I must go out running around in it. And after sitting around all last week, I have gads of errands to run this week. I need an assistant.

And a maid.

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