Monday, January 26, 2004

Forty-Five Dollars A Place Setting is Highway Robbery

OK! I'm thinking about joining civilization again tomorrow..that is, with a throat lozenge and pocketful of tissues... Noodle still has a low fever, but she's spunky as ever so I'm thinking she can go to school tomorrow...

Since I was feeling better today, I decided to work on cleaning up my house a bit. Would you believe I cleaned all day long and to look around, it looks like I sat on my butt for 12 hours, watching Oprah and eating bon-bons??? Really. BUT... I did 5 loads of laundry, cleaned out under my bathroom cabinet (leading, consequently to cleaning the hall closet), then cleared out all of our 2003 files, and balanced my checkbook. And my house is STILL messy.

So I'm having some wine instead.

Remember that party we had Christmas Eve? I had plastic plates, but used my silverware (everyday stuff, not fancy...come to think of it, I don't have any "fancy" silverware. Or dishes. Or crystal. Hmmm.)

Said Flatware:

Anyway, we lost a bunch of silverware that night. They must have been throwing it away with their plates. And we didn't realize it until AFTER the garbage-man came. Bummer. So anyway, I just placed a replacement order and was robbed of $45 a place setting!

From now on, I'm calling it my "fancy" silverware!

AND from now on, any parties over 10 people get plastic forks.

That'll learn 'em!

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