Friday, January 16, 2004

Noodle's Nine!

Yup, Noodle's birthday was today. She is now 9 and proud of it!

She played hookey today, slept in, watched cartoons and then "Freaky Friday", then took a bath, got a fancy french-braid headband and a manicure & pedicure (both by her personal, played Rummikub (and won), received a flower delevery of pink tulips from Papa, then we went to dinner. She chose "Rani", an Indian place down the street. We were actually surprised. The last 3 birthdays she has chosen the Korean Barbeque for her birthday dinner - yup folks, she's branching out! Oh, before we ate, she opened her presents - she got a pair of dance pants and tank top from my sister, a "Bedazzler" from my mom (thanks, we'll all be Bedazzled to death!) and some t's to bedazzle, tights, a sweater for her "Cubby", and some diamond earrings and the "Dirty Dancing" Soundtrack from Tater and I. She was very, very happy! After dinner, we came home and started to watch a really stupid movie (don't even know the name - don't care), got bored and then she kicked my ass at 3 more games of Rummikub. I finally won the last one and promptly decided it was time for bed!

(Unfortunately D did have to go to school today -finals - and then was so tired that he went to bed right after he got home. At 3:30. He missed dinner and everything. I tried to wake him, but he just couldn't do it. Poor baby.)

Noodle had such a great day, she's trying to convince me that she should get a "Birth-weekend" instead of just a plain old birth"day".

Since her (bowling) party's not until Sunday, I say, "Game ON!" Who wouldn't think THAT'S a good idea???

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