Monday, April 24, 2006

A Van, A Board, and a Boy

The extreme sport was skateboarding.

He wiped out and reopened all of the wounds from the spill he took 9 days ago. If you refer to the photos of us with Bridget, you can see how his right arm is wrapped up and there are at least 10 other wounds that you can't see. The accident that produced all that damage involved a boy, a longboard and a van. The van sped up, Dillon's wheels couldn't, and he went down in a crash of epic proportions. He's lucky he didn't end up under the wheel of the van as he was hanging onto the side of it. Hanging onto the side is easier, I hear, than hanging onto the back. (I said he was Smart. Not Perfect. And I would have lectured more, if I couldn't remember doing that myself, but it was a bike and a Buick.) He had road rash and abrasions, lacerations, and even a puncture wound. But after a $40 run to CVS and the incomprable nursing skills of Yours Truly, it was almost all healed over.

Until he went out yesterday. Again, without a shirt. There was no van, but he crashed all the same, reopening the same scabs. He scraped the skin off all the pointy parts of his body - ankles, kneecaps, elbows, fingers... nipples. Actually, nipple. (He must have a list*, as it was only one nipple and the same nipple as last time. Oww, is all I got to say. Oww. Never thought I'd be putting Neosporin Pain-Relief and a band-aid on my 17-year-old's nipple, I can tell ya that much.)

(How many times do you think I can work the word "nipple" into this post???)

(Speaking of nipples, how much hormone do you have to have surging through your body during ovulation to actually make it painful to wear a bra? Intensely. Painful. For 3 days. That just doesn't seem right.)

So. Anyway. Today, he's back to popping the Vitamin M and walking with a limp, and has sworn off skateboarding until his body is healed and he gets his trucks** fixed. Or gets a new board, whichever comes first.

*That's Navy-talk. You know... leaning to one side. Like in the water.
**That's Skater-boy-talk for something on the under-side of a skateboard. Don't know what, but I do know it should be in working order. Or your nipples get scraped off.


Brenda said...

We did it also, only on snow... behind the car with a sled, so I don't recall too many wounds. Mine was always wounds from a bicycle. Skinned knees and elbows. Just went with the territory. We just didn't have Neosporin back then!

All I can say... is... "OUCH..OUCH..OUCH" those look like they hurt!

Paige said...

Yeah, I'll take Neosporin over mercurechrome ANY DAY!

Sonofabitch. Just the thought still makes my stomach turn.

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

The trucks are the parts that hold the wheels. I've dated me some skater boys. I hope he sticks to his vow and lets himself heal. And maybe eats something so he doesn't have so many pointy parts. And, can I ask, even if you do list, how the hell do you land on your nipple? (Welcome googlers!)

Paige said...

Now THAT is a great idea. I will make it so.

What would REALLY be cool is if I can get The Dad to write his perspective too...

It would be a Blog-a-palooza!

Irish Eyes said...

I was kidding I was kidding!!! Where did it go?!