Friday, April 21, 2006

Close Encounters of the Crazy Kind

Crazy Grass Lady actually used the word "perambulator" while telling me about her walks and how she noticed that we have weeds growing in the large expanse of grass between the end of her building and the street. And she was going to bring me a sample.


Mold Testing chick came into my office acting like a World Class Bitch. A few hours later, she saw me walking with Mac in the neighborhood and asked, "You live here?"* And then was nice to me and actually apologized and admitted that she was "just being mean". (I still don't like her.)

*I absolutely do not look like trailer trash. I have no idea what she meant by that.


"I'm An Original Homeowner" Lady called me to irrationally complain that the HOA spent 63 cents to send her a copy of the new By-Law Resolution which she feels that they don't enforce anyway. I told her, "Velma, I am not going to get into this with you today. If you have an issue, you need to take it up with the Architectural Committee." It totally shut her up. She just said, "Ok." And I hung up and high-fived myself.


The Firehouse Man came into my office insisting that we cite his neighbor ("Dead Mom Lady") who has a sign reading "Frog Pond" out in front of her house. Because he "has been to Colonial Williamsburg and has never seen a 'Frog Pond' sign there anywhere". I told him he was not going to put me in the middle of his neighbor war and he just looked at me and said, "I don't care". So I gave him my best "you're an asshole" look and he walked out of my office saying, "Good. Now you're miserable too".

Is it any wonder I need a drink when I get home?


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Now you know why teachers are at Happy Hour at 4:30 on Fridays...

Sounds like you are getting better at your job, but sadly, I don't know if that's a compliment. Happy drinking!

Candi said...

I can not BELIEVE these people!

He he he, I know your You're an Asshole face!

Irish Eyes said...


: ) Thanks for the hug. I'm sure you know what it's like for your man to work too much. Between that and people being mean to John I just laid in bed and watched Nightline's step-family special and then Sex and the City. I'm so hip.

Anonymous said...

I love how you have "pet" names for "those people"