Saturday, April 22, 2006

So the Poncho Thing Is Over, Right?

I have 2 hanging in my closet that I don't see myself wearing any any time in the foreseeable future. As a matter of fact, they wouldn't have been there at all, if not for an unbelievably expensive shopping spree with my sister about a year-and-a-half ago. I had just returned from 4 1/2 years living in the Land of the Fashion-Challenged* and all my clothes were out of style or too small (thanks, Mike's Mexican!) and my closet needed a major overhaul. As my style consultant, she took me to the mall and hooked me up with pants and jeans and sweaters and ponchos; shoes and bags and belts and hats. Even a pink wool coat. All that fall and winter I looked amazing. My purses matched my shoes, which matched my sweaters which matched my ponchos. For an REI/Gap kind of girl, I was way out of my league. I felt a little overdressed, but I looked great.

Now that the urge to serape ourselves seems to have passed, I gotta say: I didn't really get the whole poncho-thing. I mean, if it's cold outside, you can't put on a coat over a poncho... If your long hair is getting in your face, it's awkward to lift your arms up to gather it all up and throw it over your shoulder... If you plan on actually doing anything, you just have to not. Eating, working, loading the dishwasher... all complicated by wearing a poncho. Really. It's no different than a straightjacket...

So, let's see. It took 30 years for the poncho to resurface... if it takes another 30 years, I'll be 65 (ish), and wearing a poncho at that age would just look stupid. I think it's safe to throw them into the Goodwill bag and hope like hell that stirrup pants don't come back.

*Oh, Japan, don't go getting your feelings hurt. There is no denying it.


Brenda said...

Give the poncho away.... and we won't mention it again.

Candi said...

Wait, Ponchos are out? DAMN Japan!