Friday, March 26, 2004

The 50 Yard Email

Yikes!! It's 12:30am!! I need to get to bed!

I've been:

Entering a "99 Things" list (I was going to wait until my 99th entry, but it was all done and I just didn't see any point in waiting - I mean, it's not like there would be a ceremony or anything...).

And, emailing my girlfriend Candi, who lives about 50 yards from me (hmmm...didn't occur to me to ask if she had AIM or MSN...). Of course, we could have just picked up the phone and called. But I don't really like talking on the, we were multi-tasking.

Then, while doing all-of-the-above, I got a phone email from her husband, who is not-so-much on this island right now, telling me that she should be in bed. I just got busted So Bad! Like I'm a bad influence or something...

Of course, what started the emailing frenzy was me suggesting that we start Happy Hour tomorrow around 4:30...("I'll bring the Margaritas!").

Maybe he does have a bit of a point.

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