Sunday, March 28, 2004

The Day Spring Came to Tokyo


Spring came yesterday! It was so beautiful. Sunny, 65-ish, not a cloud in the sky...The kind of day that makes you want to hike up your pants and play in the dirt.

But we had a ballet recital to attend yesterday, and then a celebratory lunch, and then we had to edit the video we took of the ballerinas, so we never actually made it outdoors.

But today...

Beautiful, sunny, 70-ish degrees. The kids wandered off to CCD at 9, I picked up the house a bit, my friend Ang came over and I trimmed her hair (at least she was still my friend when she left - we'll see if we're still friends tomorrow), and THEN...and THEN...

I made the first trip of the year to the flower shop! I picked up petunias, zinnias, marigolds, little purple ones I don't know the name of, straw flowers, impatiens, and 2 daisy-like shrubs for the pots that line my walk. I turned over the warm soil, and added instant color to my winter-brown entry-way. Here's a picture:

OH! I just got a call from Ang and our boys just arrived back in Tokyo from Virginia and are safe on the ground! I've gotta go! I've got things to do!

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