Monday, March 15, 2004

Dinners, Parades, and Golf, Oh My!!!

Oh my GOSH!!! It has been so long! For the friends and family who have asked if I fell off the face of the Earth:

I'm hanging on by my fingernails!

It has just been such a couple of busy weeks! I can't even name anything specific that we've been doing (besides Spring Cleaning) that has kept me off the computer. Just a bit of everything. Let's backtrack a bit...

Friday Night we went out with a rank-, age- and personality-diverse group of 16. We went to Garlic Jo's in Yokohama, though the extra couple that brought our numbers up to 18 ended up at Garlic Jo's at Grandberry Mall, about 20 miles away from the rest of us...(We'll assume they had a very nice time too.) All went well, everyone avoiding all possible mine-fields, and we had a great time. Strange, but great. Then we went to The Crub and all was very boring. No DJ, no dance music, no Cara, and no people. We drank a couple beers and then headed on home around 12:30. On the way, we merged with one of our more "spirited" wives, who followed Tater and I home, stole Candi's Irish Flag, got into a fight with the neighbor-guy, and ended up sleeping on our couch (but don't worry - I called her overnight babysitter and told her where she was).

On Saturday Tater and I went to Zama to buy Crap We Don't Need. But we had lots of fun doing it, and then stopped at the store to buy steaks and cheesecake for dinner. Yum. (And yes, you Cholesterol-Policewoman-with-Crazy-Hair, I was thinking about you!!! - But ate it anyway.)

Then Sunday was a Great Day. We met Angie's brother, John, and his family up in Tokyo and not only Watched, but Marched In the St. Patrick's Day Parade up there. As we were watching, John's son's school marched by and we just jumped right in with them! We drank some Guinness, got some flags and shamrock stickers, and started marching. Armed Forces Radio & TV were there and taped us, the US Army Zama Marching band was there, there was a Japanese marching band behind us that played Abba's "Dancing Queen" about 5 times (HOW IRONIC IS THAT???), American and Japanese Girl Scouts (maybe because of the green outfits?), and the Tokyo Irish Wolfhound and Tokyo Irish Setter Clubs marched. It was a riot.

(Oh! And while we were marching, someone hollered out HSL-51!!!!! - We never did see who it was...)

Afterwards, we went to Meiji Shrine and looked at the weird Goth Kids hanging out in the Park. Our kids ran around a bit while we relaxed with some beers and shrimp chips, then moseyed through the shopping district on our way back to the train for the 90-minute ride home. We stumbled in the house after 7pm and were all dead to the world by 9.

THEN today, you will not believe what I did.

I played golf.

Big deal, huh? Well.

I started playing Junior Golf when I was old enough to carry 3 clubs and walk 3 holes. I continued through 10th grade, when I had an Asshole-Male-Chauvinist-Pig-coach. I quit cold turkey, mid-season (I have a tendency to do that when things aren't "Fun" anymore. I ONLY do things that are "Fun"), and have only played about 5 times in the last 22 years. But Angie invited me to go along today, so she, Candi, Megan B., and I played 9 holes at 10am. It was a beautiful day. Once I got rid of the 2 extra 6-irons, the 1 extra 5-iron, and the 1 extra Pitching Wedge from my rental bag, and got over the fact that I was missing a 7 & 8-iron, I had a great time! I wasn't as bad as I had expected, we didn't keep score, and had lunch together afterwards. I can't think of a better way to spend a gorgeous Monday Morning.

Candi got a bit cranky at her lack of actual contact with the ball. She thinks we should have beer next time. I'm willing to experiment....

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