Friday, March 05, 2004

Mr. & Mrs. L-o-o-o-s-e-r

First of all, it's Friday night here and Holy Shit we're home!!! We could watch Survivor or something...

But we won't.

This is what happens when all your friends move. You end up drinking Rum & Cokes alone, with Noodle jabbering in one ear and D and Tater jabbering in the other, listing to your husband's hard rock bouncing off the kitchen walls through his wholly inappropriate surround-sound computer speakers, and posting a journal entry to the computer.

Have I ever mentioned that we have surround-sound speakers in 3 rooms in this 1200 sq/ft house? Living room, kitchen and master bedroom. And that we have 5 TV's? Living room, kitchen, playroom (for movies and x-box only), master bedroom & D's room? OH!! AND we still have one on the boat...And that we hardly ever watch them? Things are out of control here. Tater also has a problem with cameras (we also have 5 digital cameras...and 2 old-fashioned film-using ones).

But it's his money, and we aren't eating ramen every night, so what can I say??

(Oh. My. God. You thought I was exaggerating when I said that Noodle was jabbering in one ear and D was jabbering in the other. I was SO not embellishing. They are each about 8 inches from my head, and talking at the same time. But on the plus side, Noodle is reading this as we speak and alerting me to all typographical errors as they occur. (Because I am such a crappy typist that I have to look at the keys. I got a D- (yes, MINUS - but don't worry, I changed it to a PLUS before I got home) in typing in HS. They were still giving us that bullshit about how a girl should have secretarial skills to fall back on. Now, I didn't know much, but I knew I would NEVER be a secretary. Bosses frown on it when you argue with them... So I blew it off. Out of spite. Thus the D-. Obvoiusly Mrs. Hubule didn't appreciate my Conciencious Objection for Women's Rights.))

Oh. My. God...Again. Have I also mentioned that we have 2 computers set up in the kitchen (on 2 different desks) at the moment? The new Mac is in here, but so is the old Dell, while we make sure all files are transferred off the hard drives and they are cleaned up before we put it up in D's room.

So picture this:

I am on the Mac, D is right behind me on the Dell, and Tater is at this moment setting up his laptop so he can play on his computer too. Poor Noodle. She needs a computer. Just call us Mr. & Mrs. Geek.

Or, more appropriately Mr. & Mrs. L-o-o-o-s-e-r!

So, since it's Friday night and we were all going to be home, I asked the kids if they wanted to Order A Pizza!?!?! They both scrunched up their noses and said, "Nah." They chose the Italian Sausage Sandwiches with sauteed onion and peppers and tomato sauce and a salad on the side that I was originally going to make instead.


Oh! Noodle found something to do. She's painting a rainbow at the kitchen table. I guess I'll get off here so she can have a turn.

Or keep surfing since she's obviously busy...

1 comment:

Paige said...

You are cracking me up with the random commenting!

I KNOW! How sad are all these commentless days! These are all old posts I transferred here from Diaryland. I really thought about moving the comments too, but that just seemed toooo pathetic.