Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Crazy-Ass Day

I'm in a rush to get off here, because when I wasn't out running the streets today (which was all day) I have been on the computer figuring out how to set up Microsoft Entourage (for the Mac). I did it, and I am the bomb. (I was having issues...)

So my house is a disaster...but I did...

-work out

-go to tanning bed (yea, yea, I know, shut up)

-shop at Zama

-lunch with Rachelle

-run errands

-return emails (some emails - I know I still owe!!)

-run Noodle to Daiei (Japanese K-Mart) for a recorder she needs for school

-read up on my iPod

-go meet Dillon in Ebina, where he was half-way home from Machida via the train when he called and wanted to meet us for dinner at Outback - how could I refuse him?

-come home and obsess about Entourage and iPod for 4 hours and here I am...

Found my black dress - it was sandwiched in a pile of sweatshirts! wooooo-hoooooo!

Exhausted, going to bed.

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