Tuesday, December 20, 2005


We have 364 days to prepare for this holiday. Why is it that we run around like whack-jobs the last week before it arrives? I could forgo sleep for the next 5 days and still not be ready. So now I'm to the crossing-off portion of my to-do list...

Buy Vodka

See? I'm almost done now.


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

See, if you made Buy Voda first on the list, you just wouldn't care about the rest of the items. And by the way, dust is part of God's Divine Plan. What happens when you dust? It comes back, right? God's Divine Plan. He wants the dust there. Leave it along and drink you Cosmo.

Brooke said...

Why? Because we like to make ourselves insane like that.

It's NEVER enough, so I say settle for the best you can do.

And then down the vodka.