Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Continuing the Theme...

So somehow we ended up on the subject of Menstrual Flow. She's hoping to be a light-flower. I told her not to count on it, as she has half my DNA and I have historically had the cascade and duration of Niagara Falls. On the other hand, my sister had what we thought was the good fortune to have a 1-day, mini-pad controlling period. Until she was 19-years-old and a doctor discovered that she was hormonally challenged and informed her that she would never have children. And I was explaining to Mackenzie how even though my periods have been a complete ass-ache all my life, at least I had enough hormones surging through my body to mature and pop out an egg every month, thus increasing my chances at Motherhood.

So she took all this in then looked at me and said, "So that's why Auntie had 3 babies? She was stocking up?"

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